The quest for autonomous mobile networks introduces the need for fully native support for Network Intelligence (NI) algorithms, typically based on Artificial Intelligence tools like Machine Learning, which shall be gathered into a NI stratum. The NI stratum is responsible for the full automation of the NI operation in the network, including the management of the life-cycle of NI algorithms, in a way that is synergic with traditional network management and orchestration framework. In this regard, the NI stratum must accommodate the unique requirements of NI algorithms, which differ from the ones of, e.g., virtual network functions, and thus plays a critical role in the native integration of NI into current network architectures. In this paper, we leverage the recently proposed concept of Network Intelligence Orchestrator (NIO) to (i) define the specific requirements of NI algorithms, and (ii) discuss the procedures that shall be supported by an NIO sitting in the NI stratum to effectively manage NI algorithms. We then (iii) introduce a reference implementation of the NIO defined above using cloud-native open-source tools.
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